FREE Packaging Survey from Castle!

FREE Packaging Survey from Castle!


An efficient packaging operation can have a substantial impact on your bottom line. At Castle we offer a FREE Packaging Survey to assess our clients’ current operations and develop a plan to make their packaging processes work better for them and their customers’ experience – and we love it when a plan comes together!

Which areas of the operation are reviewed in the Packaging Survey?

Examples of issues the Packaging Survey might focus on:

  • Are you using the most appropriate products within your operation – for example, the best kind of pallet wrap or strapping?
  • Given the characteristics of your product range, would it be more ideal to install a pallet wrapper and use machine wrap?
  • Can you reduce your waste, perhaps by changing the specification of your packaging?
  • Is the size of boxes you use the most efficient?
  • To drastically reduce your storage, would you consider using retention or suspension packaging which are supplied flat?
  • Would there be value in using branded packaging to enhance brand awareness?
Why would a Packaging Survey help my operation?
Cost saving

By offering a free Packaging Survey, Castle can identify unnecessary outlay, implement better buying procedures and offer new packaging solutions that are more suited to your business.

 A fresh pair of eyes

We often find that our clients are so involved with their daily operation that they’re often unable to see the wood for the trees. Some processes will have been in place for a long time without having been reviewed. The Packaging Survey will identify where improvements can be made.

Peaks and troughs

If your packaging operation is inefficient, its inadequacies will be most apparent during peaks in demand. Lack of flexibility can have a detrimental effect on your bottom line. By reviewing your packaging processes, you can develop a contingency for when production needs to run at a faster pace to meet demand, and cost you less during quieter periods.

Environmental impact

Castle have stringent environmental policies and work with our clients to have the same. Reducing waste is the first step on the environmental ladder and we can offer solutions to help you do that. We can then suggest coming on-board with technical advances which hadn’t previously been considered.

Why do Castle offer a free Packaging Survey?

We want to understand what your operation needs from us. By offering a survey we can understand what your packaging requirements really are, and how they impact on your operation. We don’t just share our knowledge, we can also help you implement any changes that we suggest.

Castle work in partnership with our clients

We see the Packaging Survey as an opportunity to add value to the relationship we have with our clients. We believe our Customer Service is second to none within the industry, and by working in partnership with our clients in a consultative capacity, we can maintain that level of commitment.

Innovative packaging design

At Castle we like to help clients move forward with their packaging. We are very proud of our ability to come up with creative ideas for branded packaging, creating the wow factor that promotes your business. By understanding your operation, we can also offer bespoke packaging solutions which will result in greater efficiencies.

If you would like to find out how we can help you, request your FREE Packaging Survey today. Our representatives are known to carry a supply of free fudge or biscuits for onsite visits. Don’t miss out!