Intralogistex 2023


Intralogistex is the UK’s largest logistics exhibition, taking place this year on the 28th & 29th of March 2023.  Castle Industrial Supplies will be exhibiting again this year, having had a very successful show last year.

What to expect?

During this show we will be exhibiting our passion for providing a solution that will:

1. Reduce the cost of every pallet you wrap.

2. Reduce the weight of plastic on every pallet you wrap.

3. Increase the load stability of every pallet you wrap.

This is a WIN-WIN situation that has already shown savings of the cost of up to 70% and savings in plastic usage of up to 80% for leading brand names in the UK.

A visit to our stand i722 will allow you to see our market-leading pallet load stability product range and meet our experts who can arrange an on-site Load Stability Review.

If you are a logistics professional looking for a solution to your current and future challenges, then Intralogistex is an essential visit, and our Castle team of specialists will be there to help you.


Unable to attend?

If you are unable to attend Intralogistex 2023, we still want to ensure you have access to our expertise in load stability. Intralogistex is the UK’s largest logistics exhibition, taking place this year on the 28th & 29th of March 2023. Castle Industrial Supplies will be exhibiting again this year, showcasing our passion for providing innovative solutions to reduce costs and increase load stability.

For those who can’t join us at Intralogistex 2023, we offer the opportunity to arrange a personal consultation with one of our load stability specialists. Our team can provide expert advice on reducing pallet wrap costs, minimising plastic usage, and enhancing load stability.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment and discover how our solutions can help you achieve significant savings and improved logistics efficiency. Even if you can’t make it to Intralogistex 2023, you can still benefit from our industry-leading expertise and commitment to safety. Reach out now to arrange your consultation.